
Training Documents for Banner 9

Here you’ll find all of the step-by-step instructions, policies, guidelines, and tips to help you navigate and learn to use Banner successfully.   We hope you will find them helpful!   We welcome your questions on these procedures and any feedback you may have on how to improve them.
If you are a new Banner, Degree Works, and 25 Live user, we encourage you to start with these steps to become a proficient and confident user:
1)    Take the FERPA: How to Protect Student Records tutorial in the UCR Learning Center.
2)    Explore the Introduction to Banner 9 links at the right
3)    Discover how to find information in Banner through the Navigation section below
4)    Study the documents in the categories below that apply to your role
5)    Attend Zoom trainings with staff by viewing them here and signing up in the UC Learning Center.  Be sure you can log into the Banner Training instance in R’Space before you attend a Banner training.  This is a separate instance where it is safe to practice procedures and make changes.


Introduction to Banner 9

Banner 9 Tips - January 2021 Release
Overview of Banner 9
Banner 9 Navigation
Banner Page Names
Banner Keyboard Shortcuts

Banner Training Links

Banner Training v.9 
Banner Training v.9  (access through R'space) 

As you progress through your use of Banner 9, please enter issues or questions by selecting Banner Support Ticket from the drop-down menu.