
FAQ Technical/Troubleshooting Section


  • How do I clear my Java or internet cache? What do I do when I get "Web Client is Too Old" message?
  • I'm getting Internal Error Upon Starting. How do I resolve this?

    Internal Error Upon Starting Error: An uncaught exception was raised. Choose "Continue" to continue running in an inconsistent state. Choose "Crash" to halt the application and file a bug with Crash Reporter. Choosing "Crash" will result in the loss of all unsaved data.

    The suggested resolution is to uninstall java and reinstall the newest version of java.

  • How do I get my Banner window to fill the screen? How do I resize the Banner form?

    You have two options:

    1. Lower the resolution of your screen to 1024 x 768. Everything will appear extra large, which could be inconvenient for other work projects. If you have two monitors, set one to 1024 x 768, and the other to a normal resolution.
    2. Change the Windows Display on your computer to 125%, which is a medium display. This step requires a computer restart. The window will enlarge, but it will not fill the screen.
  • Why was Banner working, but now Internet Explorer crashes?

    An Internet Explorer Add-on could be causing the problem. Try the following steps to resolve the issue:

    1. While in Internet Explorer, go to Tools > Manage Add-ons > Enable or Disable Add-ons.
    2. You will see Add-ons that have been used by Internet Explorer.
    3. Click on any Add-ons that have known issues (if installed).
    4. Click Disable, then Okay.
    5. Do this for each offending Add-on.
    6. Restart Internet Explorer.
  • Why does Online Help not seem to help?

    Some pop-up blockers will not open certain types of forms and window, especially Online Help windows. Try these steps in either Firefox or Internet Explorer:

    In Firefox:

    1. Go to Tools > Options > Content > Block Pop-up Windows.
    2. Allow Banner pop-up windows, and disable the pop-up behavior for other sites. The Block Pop-up Windows section should be checked.
    3. Click Allowed Sites, and type in the text box.
    4. Click Allow > Close > OK. Restart FireFox. 

    In Internet Explorer:

    1. Go to Tools > Pop-up Blocker > Pop-up Blocker Settings in the box labeled “Addresses of Web Sites to Allow.”
    2. Type
    3. Click Add.
  • Why can't I see the last line on the form?

    The last line on a form is not visible due to the initial size and state of the Banner window. Maximize the Banner window, and make sure your display resolution is at a minimum 1024 x 768 setting.

  • Can I change the color or font in Banner?

    Yes, go to File > Preferences > User Interface Color Settings.

  • Why do dropdown menus not work properly on my second monitor?

    When using Banner on dual monitors, a dropdown menu will not respond on the secondary monitor. Similarly, multiple sessions will work properly on the primary monitor, but if a window is moved to the secondary monitor, the menu will no longer work. Typically, this is only a problem on Windows.

    In some cases, running both monitors at the same refresh rate will solve the problem. Follow these steps:

    1. Go to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Display.
    2. In the Settings tab, select a monitor and click Advanced.
    3. In the Monitor tab, check the refresh rate of the monitor, and change the setting to match the other monitor, if necessary. If these steps do not solve the problem, use the primary monitor for all Banner sessions and windows.
  • Why doesn't Banner do anything when I click on it with my mouse?

    Banner will not respond to a mouse that is configured for left-hand use. This problem only occurs with certain Windows PC configurations. Until the issue is resolved, the only known solution is to use a right-hand mouse configuration.

  • Why can't I use a mouse that is configured for left-hand use?

    Banner will not respond to a mouse that is configured for left-hand use. This problem only occurs with certain Windows PC configurations. Until the issue is resolved, the only known solution is to use a right-hand mouse configuration.

  • Why can't I cut and paste data into a Banner field?

    A Banner field has a preset maximum length. You will not be able to cut and paste data into a field that is too long for that field. Make sure there are no extra characters or trailing blanks in the data that you are cutting and pasting. Example: An ID number field holds only nine characters, preventing you from pasting in an 11-character social security number with dashes.

  • Why do I lose Banner when I click on a link in my email?

    Your browser should be set to open up a new window or tab when a link is opened from another application. If a new application opens in the Banner window, you will be dropped from Banner.

    In Internet Explorer:

    1. Go to Tools > Internet Options > Advanced > deselect Reuse windows for launching shortcuts.
    2. Click Apply.
    3. Restart Internet Explorer.

    In Firefox:

    1. Go to Tools > Options > Tabs > Select New Window.
    2. Click OK.
    3. Restart Firefox.
  • Why do I lose Banner when I close my browser?

    Banner requires an active internet browser session. If you close your browser, the Banner session will end.

  • I get several pop-up windows or prompts before my Banner session will open.

    How do I resolve this problem?

    There are several windows that may appear, including those shown below:

    • The application’s digital signature has an error.
    • Do you want to run the application?
    • Do you want to run this application?

    If you do not want to see these windows each time you access Banner, check one of these two boxes:

    • “Always trust content from this publisher”
    • “Do not show this again for apps from the publisher and location above” – If you’ve chosen this option, click Run. You will not see these windows again, unless you clear your settings/cache.
  • I get a message that says my account has been locked. What do I do?

    Submit a Banner Support Ticket to request that your account be unlocked. To avoid this from happening in the future, follow these guidelines:

    • Do not bookmark the “long” URL that appears after you have authenticated via CAS.
    • Do not use a link from your recent history, or auto-fill using the “long” URL.

    Below is an example of a long URL:

    The “long” URL that appears after you have authenticated contains a one-time use “ticket.” If you try to use a “long” link at a later time, you will get this error and need to have your account unlocked.

  • I can't go to a form.

    Your role may not have access to that form. Talk to your supervisor to determine whether you need access to the form. If access is needed, submit a Banner Support Ticket requesting access to the form. Include the reason for needing access, and how you will use the data on that form to fulfill your job functions.

  • I can't type in the "Go To..." field or when I navigate to a form through the Menu I can't type in the Key Block.

    This is a known issue with java. Try clearing your java and internet browser cache. Also, if you use dual-monitors Banner sometimes won't respond if it is on the secondary monitor. If clearing your java and internet cache does not solve the problem, submit a Banner Support Ticket.